It’s gotten to the point that a convicted child rapist will challenge his life sentence for his sexual abuse of his seven year old stepdaughter.

Because the court was biased for the child victim.

If he gets to a woman’s prison he will abuse the women there and claim it is their fault.


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50% of male inmates claiming the bullshit 'trans' identity (in americas prisons) have a history of sex offending compared to 11% of the general male prison population. and we are expected to believe that there's nothing kinky about trannies... they are the last men that should be allowed anywhere near women's prisons.

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Appeasement is empowerment. 🖤

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It obviously has not gotten bad enough yet. When it has, you'll start seeing people openly call for the execution of these child rapists, sodomizers, molesters and traffickers. Anything less IS tolerance of the intolerable. Of course, for the masses to even come close to understanding that, they have to get back to a place where they have immutable moral lines in the sand, they will not allow to be crossed. We are far from that reality, so until then, these scumbags will run rampant and be protected by the very governments that use your taxes, to do so.

Great work Reduxx team. The only way we get back to that moral awareness is through reporting and work like yours. Thank you.

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So can we start suing every time they use the slur “cis”? Maybe we should.

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He's not only impersonating a woman, he's also impersonating a Native American without a predominant quota of authentic DNA. Unfortunately, all someone needs is a relationship to someone who was on an original/ base enrollment to qualify, while many with much more genetic connection maybe denied tribal qualification.

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It p!sses me off when men pretend to be women for their own sexu@l pleasure.

But would you like all genuine Women to dress in their own historic garb?

I remember women (and decent men) wearing feathers when I was a girl in the '70s. The large big toothed combs black people had stuck in their afros (we, little Scottish girls, bought those, but, they don't work on straight as a poker hair).

Talking of hair, is it not cultural appropriation when Beyonce has wigs made from 'my' straight as a poker hair? Because I'll admit to being confused here Betsy. I don't want my 18yo g/daughter bullied for following a fashion. That's all it is because I did it. Glam rock glitter like Marc Bolan.

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My point is only that there is a biased double-standard used in so many cases of "appropriation" of fashion and "authenticity" which is simply used as a subtrafuge to attack people who you're biased against, while sometimes hypocritically practicing "appropriations" themselves.

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''As a “compromise,” he offered to wear swimming trunks in the area where women would be present in the nude.''....swimming trunks are the least of it. He wants to be there to masturbate to the nude women because of his porn addiction....instead of making a mess within the 4 walls of his own bedroom...pervert!

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Good for Marion Le Pen, interested to see what happens.

I know she's like a big archenemy, but even still, it can't be popular to prosecute women for things like that.

Won't hold my breath, but curious to see if there's any pushback like there was with jk rowling.

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