Although it is not specified what the Indigenous Ceremony is about, there WILL BE BLOW BACK for someone who uses a ceremony in an opportunistic manner.

Extreme bad karma alert!

Thanks for all you women XX of REDUXX!

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This evil has been around for a long time...given that centuries of rich aristocracy, royalty have all been inverted...look at the old photos! The males transed at birth to females and the females transed at birth to males. Then all this has become apparent in all celebrities, now finance, medicine, everywhere...look at the ordinary people walking in front of you at the mall!. Study forensics and study the skeleton and gaits, skulls, clavicles, arm lengths, etc. The skeleton never lies! Now...we have this evil reaching down into our ordinary lives forcing parents to agree to it. If the ordinary folk don't wake up to this pernicious evil that has been around for a long time and now taking the babies...then we're really f*^#ked.

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