Apr 9, 2023Liked by REDUXX

Sending you my best wishes everyday!

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Best wishes to you too, Kaye!

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by REDUXX

You wrote: "Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and a blessed Passover and Ramadan to our Jewish and Muslim friends. It is times like these that we reflect on the incredible diversity of the women involved in the Reduxx project, as we have writers and contributors celebrating all three Holy observations converging this week. These amazing women come from totally different backgrounds, but share an unyielding passion for child safeguarding and women’s sex-based rights. "

REDUXX, I love what you do. You are right on top of these shady misogynistic goings-on. I appreciate that SO MUCH.

Of course, I believe in religious freedom, in any country. Those who celebrate the abrahamic holydays have my blessings. I'd just like to mention that there are some of us reading Reduxx who have other holydays, from ancient Goddess, XXwoman centered spirituality that was around for many centuries before the patriarchal abrahamic male god religions/govt ideologies took over. The ancient Goddess cultures were the original peoples with "an unyielding passion for child safeguarding and women’s sex-based rights."

" ….. In ancient Indo-European myths ‘Ostre’ or ‘Ostara’ was associated with the ‘light of spring’ and the Goddess who brings the ‘new light’. She made the clocks go ‘forward’ so to speak. The Goddess Ostara is also linked to the festival of Easter, hares and ‘sacred eggs’. She is another version of ‘mother nature’ and the ‘awakening of the feminine’ principle behind the Sun’s light….. " from recent article by Neil Hague

Again, I'm not critcizing anyone's choice of religion, holidays, etc. But if I can't mention ancient Goddess Ostara here in Reduxx comments, then where?

Blessings on all, Reduxx writers and readers, Lupa

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Of course you can, and thank you for the education! We'll have you know that a member of our crew always says "oh Goddess!" when she is expressing exacerbation over the latest nonsense 😁

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I say, "Holy Hathor!" when there's more crap on crap.

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We desperately need the work Reduxx does right now. A request, however. Can we all please stop calling them drag "queens?" These men are not female in any way. I exclusively speak of them as "drag men," and I really hope the practice catches on. We need to stop speaking lies!

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I hear you, but "groomers" doesn't specifically highlight the lie in "drag queens." Since "men" means "adult human males" (Regardless of quality of character. I wouldn't call these men "drag gentlemen," for instance.) I think it's the best term to go with. And, we certainly don't want to call them "drag boys," because they'd probably get off on it and they're already obsessed enough with kids as it is.

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Yes, we want to focus on PERVY/pedoMEN with their fetishes, "real" or made-up, targeting children. And the CULTure that supports that misogyny and child abuse.

If women strippers and dominatrxx started having kids brunch, you can bet they'd shut it down faster than pouring juice on Posie.

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I like XYTrannie cuz they don't like to be reminded of that factual biology thing and they don't like that word "trannie".

TransMENXY and/or FetishMENXY my other ones.

I'll be banned/deplatd/censored/hatespeeched any day now.

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Too fussy. Too much of a learning curve. We don't want or need to recreate the whole "PC" language mind game boondoggle. I like "drag men" because they are men in drag. Plain language. No tutoring or explanation necessary. Clear and to the point.

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thankful to you every time i read. you are fuel to the fire. the article on the mega brothels was particularly depressing. prostitution was legalised here in nz and a while later tourist working visas further relaxed. enabling more young asian and south american women to be exploited here. and of course a whole lot more locals. it's just very very sad. and very very bad.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

I just found your website today and it looks very good, however, I don't understand the name of your website. It doesn't tell me anything about what you do or what your website is about. It doesn't have any meaning that would give someone a hint about what you're about. I think the name of your website is going to hurt your cause and growing your website. I really do. In fact the XX at the end of the word really is strange and it doesn't go with the pro-woman, pro-child stance that you have. Just to see the XX reminds me of porn. I wish you great luck, but I would change the name! :)

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XX chromosomes, female.

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War on women - Method in the madness -

David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast about 45mins


Of course I know that David Icke is not everyone’s cup of tea. Use your own discernment.

This video is DI’s weekly news show. This week he goes into the whole transXY thing including Posie P, Riley Gaines, and DylanXY. I appreciate how DI sees the big picture, ie transhumanism, and ties events together.

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Why am I not surprised that Mr.Valentino works at TikTok??? Thank you women of Reduxx for continuing to educate me- sending you my very best wishes!

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