Women have to purchase their own sanitary products in prison, but men are given what used to be termed voluntary plastic surgeries? Can women in prison get breast implants funded by taxpayers to bolster their self esteem?

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Grim round up today.

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Thank you for your enduring hard work in exposing the side effects that GI perpetrates against us women and girls …💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

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as an abused raped child raped at 6 yrs 11 months old i cannot get counselling as it is hate crime . Transgenderism is extremely rare but has become a cult . It was first called LYSENKOISM aftr the Russian peasant who created it which resulted in sex tests at the olympics for communist bloc female athletes . The orld centre for transgenderism is Thailand since the 14th century but ladyboys cannot change their gender . Most trans in prisons are sex offenders who do not want to serve time in a male prison as they are despised . Chester UK Trans jailed for 20 months for having sex with a German Shepherd Dog . Previously named John he was a child sex offender . SEE ALSO ACADEMIA Michaels story and LYSENKOISM RTL ,MATTHIAS ACADEMIA

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new zealand is also lost. the nerds running the world are just the same old eugenicists now dressed in polo shirts and occasionally dresses. jeff, bill, klaus, the pritzkers.... the list goes on and on. their names are no secret and their agenda to rid the world of useless eaters (ie; pretty much everyone) is the same old agenda. powerful functional men should have never believed that their nerdy brothers had any good ideas and should have never let them take over. now it is revenge of the nerds. and these nerds envy and hate humanity. they hate the natural world. they hate decent functional white guys too. just as much as they hate the rest of us. they hate fathers. they hate men who can attract women. they hate men who are secure in their masculinity and who can build, create, protect, love and compete as functional men do. at the moment white male power brokers think they are going to prosper under the nerd regime so they don't care about the rest of us getting trashed. but these powerful men are equally hated by the nerds and are going to end up being just as trashed as everyone else. i wish they would wake up and see it before it's too late. because women and kids can't stop this. and not the average joe in the street either. powerful men are going to have to do it. they need to man up and take their nerdy brethren down.

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