Thank you again, Genevieve Gluck and Reduxx, for the work you do to protect women and children. The quip at the start made me smile, but there must be times when your research feels like a fact-finding mission to Hell.

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As always, chilling and informative! Is anyone else suddenly getting all sorts of warnings from YouTube for putting positive comments at the channels of KJK, Linehan and various detransitioners? I'm suddenly getting a 24 hour "pause" from commenting about once a week lately. True, I'm placing what I call magazine graffiti in locations like NYC's Rockefeller Plaza, uploading shorts of my healthy messages:


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Absolute, total unequivocal nonsense.

It takes away ANY point in having separate male and female classes in any sport if the individual can simply decide which category they enter.

Although I happily admit that, in my case, in most athletic events and competent lady would beat me anyway that’s not the point.

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