Thanks, gals.


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mr zombie is a man. a violent criminal man. four children now motherless because of his violence. and as for the nurse who beat his poor elderly patient to death. him too. both violent men who belong in men's prisons with all the risk of violence that entails.

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Meanwhile, so many detransitioner channels on YouTube and elsewhere, detailing the dangers we already knew years ago. Ray Williams, on his YT channel (comes up by putting his name in YT search line) tells us about the pulmonary embolism that could have killed him, due to taking oral estrogen for 8 years while also smoking tobacco. He detransitioned. Most interesting are the comments from those who should detransition for similar reasons, but don't. Revealing the additional mental health risks of narcissistic delusions, Ray's commenter, "Amber' tells the story of anorexic eating patterns, a male starving himself from age 12, to avoid growing up. "Adult boy" reveals so much!


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It’s sad how the UN is so unreliable and woke nowadays. Activists really. Trans lesbians FFS wake up you goons.

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