As usual, the entire roundup makes me want to hurl. I can only conclude that this madness is intentional, and meant to get us to battle each other, rather than the idiots/elites at the top who mandate all of this insanity. So far, it's working.

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It's hard not to want to go to war against what has now been unleashed on women, l mean literally fight... l feel as if l am at war.

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I hope the sensible gynaecologist stands firm. What on earth would a man want examined by a gynaecologist?? Everything else makes me sick. All these vulnerable little men in women's prisons. Uggggh.

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Thank you for including the story about France. I think we will see a lot more of this nonsense coming from there soon. France is the least insane of its influential neighbors (Germany, Spain, UK) despite being the methodological homeland of gender woo. .

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So it looks like the new binary being created by this oligarchy approved "woke" idiocy - is between those of us who are relatively sane and rational - and those who are simply openly and quite proudly barking-mad!

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brave and much needed reporting thank you. these sick nasty hateful men are infuriating.

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